Dec 13, 2007

Aaja Nachle... to the tune of politics!!!

Madhuri Dixit-Nene's return to Bollywood has been the latest buzz in Bollywood. The dancing queen continues to dazzle one and all with her beautiful smile. Her fans sure are happy to have her back!!! Movie buffs are happy to see her back on the silver screen. Reality shows are cashing in on the occasion by inviting Madhuri over. Aaja Nachle was the talk of the town!!! Sounds too perfect to be so straight and clean, right. There has to be something that plays spoilsport... and when there's no one to do that... politicians and their supporters nonchalantly oblige!!!
The lyrics in the movie's title track, 'mohalle mein kaisi mara mar hai/ bole mochi bhi khud ko sunaar hai' (what is this commotion in the neighbourhood/ a cobbler is calling himself a goldsmith) has given a chance for people to complain and create an issue out of something that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. I'm sure the lyricist meant no offence to those of a particular caste!!!
With all due respect to people of all castes and creed, all I'd like to say is that such incidents are exploited by our politicians to the core!!! Film music lovers (cobblers, goldsmiths and the rest of the clan) would have gone ahead and enjoyed the song without even paying attention to the lyrics and taking such serious offence!!!
I'm not a casteist, but if our (???!!!!) politicians were really so sensitive to casteism why can't they really 'do' something for the upliftment of the lower castes (sadly it does exist as a concept!!) instead of publicizing the whole matter and blowing it out of proportion and in the melee enjoy their much needed political mileage!!!
Grow up dear politicians... we're a mature audience... and we're watching you too!!!


S. Ravi Venkatramana December 15, 2007 at 6:05 PM  

Whatsoever happened during the release of "Aaja Nachle" is nothing but hypocrisy to the core!!! Everyone likes to hear controversy. "If there is none, create one" is the slogan of media and politics these days to make noise and gather attraction. This song has been playing on TV/Radio for so many days but all communally sensitive wise men (and women) got wisdom only on First Day, First Show.

As you rightly said, movie buffs are happy to see her back on the silver screen. That's what a majority of the audience wants too;-)If you punctuate the sentence and stress on one word within quote-unquote, the answer lies there for the revenue generated from the movie. Ha ha... No offence and pun intended of course.

Keep writing.

- Ravi

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